Saturday, December 29, 2007
NEW: Picture of the Day!
Yes, I've decided for those who actually read this that a picture of the day will be initiated daily. I'm going to try anyway, though I can't promise anything. haha. So without hesitation:
An Ariel Toucan or Channel-Billed Toucan:
(from Wikipedia)...
"The Channel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos vitellinus) is a near-passerine bird which breeds in Trinidad and in tropical South America as far south as southern Brazil and central Bolivia."
"The Channel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos vitellinus) is a near-passerine bird which breeds in Trinidad and in tropical South America as far south as southern Brazil and central Bolivia."

After Christmas Blues
So I'm bored. I'm always bored. Well, unless I have something to do worthwhile. I bought a book on UNIX I still have to read, though it would be fantastic if I had a computer (other than my Macbook) that would run a UNIX based system. Damn you Windows. Its about 2:30 in the afternoon and I have yet to take a shower. Some would say laziness, but I beg to differ. I'm merely waiting for the Matrix to come to its home so I may take it and get my hockey stick repaired as soon as possible.....or by Monday. The Winter Classic is upon us, as is New Years Day. So step lively youngin's and all of that. Off to clean myself body and soul.
Possibly the last post for 2007
hope it was SEMI-DECENT.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Watching Seinfeld at 2:06 AM is amazing...
Apparently I am short hair McGee.
I got a haircut.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Ah Christmas is almost upon us!
So I know I haven't posted in a while, but that's because I've been busy with REAL LIFE stuff. As the year nears down and finals are approaching me like a bulldog approaches a kid trying to get his ball back from his neighbor's yard, I have realized something. I realized that even if I do terribly bad on finals, which I am quite sure I will not as I have been studying, then at least I get a month of to do absolutely nothing. That's right, nothing. I'm looking forward to Christmas especially.
As many of you may or may not know, I frequent the community news site Digg.com. That's D-I-Double-G dot com. I'm a big fan and check the articles on or around 4 times daily. Many are politically based and so, I have inadvertently gotten into politics. Sort of. I'm neither democratic or republican (god forbid), I am for anyone that will do the opposite of what our current idiot president is doing. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm sure Bush is a nice guy to hang out with, have a beer with and watch football. HOWEVER, he is not suitable at all to run a country that is falling so badly and resorts to torturing its prisoners of "war." Dick Cheney is just as bad and should be impeached, if not both of them should (Bring Colin Powell back). In the presidential race of 2008 we all know about Hillary running for president. She won't win, if she does we will be forced to be leaded by a woman who is only doing this for some kind of crazy-feminist reason, and having Bill as a "First Man" doesn't really make up for it. Now onto Obama, who seems like a cool guy to me. He's down to Earth, a normal person, trying to quit smoking and run the nation, sounds cool? His big, DRASTIC mistake was to bring Oprah with him on tour. Oprah is the most irritating woman ever, she only likes him because he's black, he is a guy, but I guess she looked past that. My dear dear mother enjoys Oprah, and, I'll admit, Oprah is a nice lady, but man is she brutal towards ok-looking white guys. She loves John Travolta, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and any remotely good looking black guy. But this is going on to be more of a rant then a blog, so I'll stop ranting now hahah.
So I saw the teaser trailer for the new Batman movie (featuring the Joker), and it looks SO BADASS. The Joker is this inane psychopath who steals money, attacks children hospitals and is just overall a bad dude. Now my friends think he is the coolest villain in Batman, which I'll agree upon, but Batman is going to destroy him. After all, we all know that Batman is a true hero, without any superpowers, just a bunch of badass-ness.
Okay I'm sick of writing and nobody reads this (probably) so I'm done.
Oh and by the way
I have a girlfriend.
Her name is Laura.
She is amazing.
The end!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Penguins in slump, I'm waiting for a math test....
Well hello everybody, .....whoever reads this haha, I am back after a long slacking of not blogging.
Come to think of it, I really have nothing to say.........
The end.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Its 12:35, I'm in the Campus Center!
Hey guys, its been too long since I've updated this and I am deeply sorry. Ehhh, I suppose anyway.
I'm really lazy, and for some reason haven't been in a blogging kind of mood, just too much work, especially at this hour, dang.
I just had a really good, but greasy pizza. I don't have class tomorrow, so I don't have to worry about going to bed, though I do enjoy going to bed.
I have a 3 page paper due friday, I have a rough draft but its really rough, so I have to step it up and write a killer paper.
That's not too much to ask.
Leopard= 2 days.
Might get radio show. If not, want to podcast it up.
Maybe I'll just post links to my podcast instead, since it'd just be about my daily life.
Then you could listen to my wonderful voice instead of this boring text! Though there wouldn't be links, its okay, it'd be cooler.
Alright, I'm done.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Woah! Ten days without a post, totally unacceptable.
Hey everyone, as the title says, I haven't posted since October 4th of 2007. That's incredibly bad. Though I have been working on my schoolwork most of the time (even after dropping chem, midterms were killing my time). So I'm on fall break, off till tuesday. Right now I'm doing nothing, which is pretty much the norm when I am at home. All my stuff is at college so there is really nothing to do at all. I finished watching Season Three of The Office two nights ago and so I really am searching for something to do.
Its chilly outside, Autumn at its finest. Though I really do enjoy going outside, I still find that there is little to do by myself outside other than work on my pond (which is fine, I don't need to work on anything) or walk around or I could play hockey, but it gets old by myself just running around. My brother is also not home, but helping his girlfriend move to .... somewhere an hour an a half away. I'm almost jealous that he got to drive a U-Haul. Instead, I am stuck at home doing nothing.
I also got my haircut today. Its short, but its not too terribly short, so I guess its alright. Maybe I'll show my caps pride by wearing my draft day hat, but my hair is still short. I'll let it grow until like december or something, haha.
The Pittsburgh Penguins won last night, which was the first game that I was able to watch. See, Allegheny is sweet and right by Pittsburgh (okay, closer than Erie), but fails to have Fox Sports Pittsburgh. Now, to my knowledge, its about 80% Steelers fans (gross) to 15% Browns fans and 5% of whatever else. Now, I hate football a whole lot (college isn't as bad), but Steelers' games are on FSN Pittsburgh. ALSO on FSNP is Every Pittsburgh Penguins' game. So, I don't know where Allegheny gets off not showing that station (Or MSG or VERSUS for that matter), which makes me quite frustrated. There's really nothing like watching a Pens game, its so much fun for some reason. Of course its more fun playing but you know how it is. Crosby is just ridiculously good now, very deserving of the Captain title. Gary Roberts is a favorite enforcer and Petr Sykora is a great addition to the team. They played the Maple Leafs, and won (as aforementioned), 6-4. Great game.
I hacked my iPod Touch. It was the coolest thing I've ever done on a computer (related to coding stuff, more fun than HTML). It took me a few tries, after being scared by almost "bricking" my iPod, I succeeded and now have every iPhone App (excluding the maps and stock app) as well as a few 3rd party apps to enhance my iPod's fun factor. Such as NES games (Yes, original Nintendo games). Personalized backgrounds, and my customized "springboard." The springboard is simply the home screen with the icons. Its good stuff.
Post more later.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
There was no chemistry between Me and Chemistry.
Hey everbodyyyyyyy. I hope everything is well with you in the world. It is for me, always is, but I had to drop my Chemistry class. And no, I am not screwed. So don't think that. Because I will probably cry and not be able to handle anything else.
Kidding Kidding. Yeah, but I did drop Chemistry, when I got those 2 awful tests back I realized that maybe the hard sciences (hard can have a double meaning) are not exactly for me. So I'm basically rethinking the whole concept of majoring in Bio after I was so dead-set on it. Yes, the dream may die, but there are other very cool paths as well. Chemistry and Math are kicking my ass, but I'm looking on the bright side; I don't have to wake up at 7:10 AM with my alarm clock blaring. It'll be a nice change of pace. Easier too.
Though I can't help feeling a bit stupid after chemistry handed my ass to me. I could have blogged that weekend I studied for those tests instead of studying. What a sad state of affairs.
I need to clean this keyboard when I go home this weekend, its absolutely filthy. Rubbing alcohol will do wonders for it. I need to clean the screen too, its not looking great, gotta use some iClean. I'm too afraid to use glasses cleaner on it though.
So I had all these really cool plans for my blog, but I haven't done them yet, I don't spend copious amounts of time on the computer anymore because studying has taken it over. I just did math homework at 3:00 in the afternoon. Its quite a feat that I am very proud of. Don't worry, it'll get better I think.
I have to miss The Office tonight. I'm not pleased, but its for Intramural pickup hockey. Evidently I am going to be a ref as well, that might be either good or bad haha. hope I'm not the only ref. Though I probably will be. Wow, my grammar was so bad there, good thing I am not an English Major. I am now "undecided" and I actually have no idea. Its kind of exciting.
I've been slacking about reviewing my iPod Touch as well as any and all Apple news, but those of you who care, they are coming soon in the next blog, I promise. Maybe.
I decided that I want to be a Buddhist monk. The only problem is the begging part as well as the giving up all the possessions. I have a dream, and for some reason it is to live a very peace-loving life. I try to practice Buddhism in my everyday life and its going pretty well.
Plus, Buddhist's don't have Chemistry class.
Later everybody!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Cousin Stephen came visiting.....
So cousin Stephen came in (as the title says) from Colorado.....well technically Clarion. He brought friends, and we played hockey at Wise. Now, for those of you who do not know, Wise is the place to work out/do fitness like things. Obviously, I'm in there all the time.....hahahah. Okay anyway, they arrived at my place of higher education. Now, it took a few times of circling around in a white car to actually get into a parking lot (to my knowledge there was no tickets). So I, as expected, ran at lightning fast speed (because I go to Wise all the time, y'know) and was eager to see Stephen. He came out and shook my hand and we proceeded to my dorm room (after greeting his friends, a few who I somehow remembered). They told tall tales of their experiences in college and after a few moments of reminiscing about ole' college days, it was a joint decision to go play floor hockey. Now, bear in mind, we were not sure of our abilities to actually just waltz in (though I can, I'm a student). So we get there and of course we get in no problem. Plus the door is open to the land of aluminum shafted hockey sticks with plastic blades.....score! There's goalie pads in there. One of his friends was goalie, and wasn't bad for a first time.....and in full pads.....and with PANTS on. Needless to say, his pants were a darker brown than before, it was quite a scene. We played for about an hour and a half or so and were pooped. Hockey in pants in a hot Wise Center is bound to make any person sweat. Then it was back to my dorm for some fun NHL 2006 tournament action, which steve and his friends were into (well some more than others). We failed to complete it and they proceeded to leave, but not without leaving me some of my Aunt's amazing and ridiculous cookies.....I still need to call her.
Laundry story:
OK most of you who are at the 'Gheny already know this, but for those of you who are not fortunate enough to attend this college will learn how cutthroat and ruthless the laundryroom is. Laundry room? .....anyways. So, I wash my darks no problem and put my whites in, wait a half hour, then put them in a dryer. Going down to get them I made the mistake of locking my keys in the room. Smart. Really smart. So anyways, I go down to the laundry room and then take my whites out. I decide "well I better go ask my RA to open my door." So for some reason unbeknownst to me, I choose to leave my clean laundry down there and will get it after dinner.....who's going to steal my laundry? So I put my detergent SIDEWAYS (remember that) on top of my whites in my hamper and leave. I eat, and we will >> (that's fast forward for you illiterates), to after dinner. I go back and get my whites, but to my dismay and shock my bottle of detergent leaked out! So now I have about half of my detergent left, and my whites are damp with detergent. So not a huge deal, I'll throw them in a washer. Which I did. I come back 30 minutes later and put them in the top right dryer on the right side. So again, >> to 6 hours later....about 12:30 AM. I'm at my friends' room and I am just like "oh crap, laundry." I race down there, like speed racer fast, on my way looking in each room (seeing almost every other room playing the hit new game Halo 3) and go to take my stuff out of the dryer. I get down there, and what do I see? I see my clothes wet. SOMEONE WASHED MY CLOTHES. REWASHED. I have no idea why, how or who even saw the potential of rewashing my clothes. So all the dryers were going AT 12:42 AM. I had to stay up until 2:30 to get my whites done. Who rewashes someone else's clothes? I mean jeeze if that's the case I should just keep my clothes down there and let someone wash them for me! Genius idea.
Okay, I'm done, later guys
Thursday, September 27, 2007
This title will come to me soon....
Okay, I can't think of a title. Sue me. I have one bar left on my new camera phone. Okay, so it isn't new, I got it from some person at my mom's work. ......She didn't know it had a camera. Go figure. I am now smelling the bitter, yet tasty smell of coffee from the built-in coffee shop at the 'Gheny.
I'm sitting at a booth they put on their "stage" when people aren't playing music. Sometimes they have open mic night. They shouldn't. They also should not have screamo bands somewhere that have an occupancy number of 70. On Orientation I swear there were about 300 people wanting to see this garbage band, and yes, I was there. Why was I there? I don't really know, other than I was trying to meet people (which I found out doesn't work) and I met this girl. She was very awkward. So that was the end of that. Back to the band. They were called "Signal Home" and I wish they would have just stayed home. Now, I'll give them credit, on purevolume.com they didn't sound too bad. In this little coffee shop? They sounded like a wrecking ball rolling down Main Street.
Okay, so anyways, the real reason I came out today and decided to blog was to do parts 3 and 4 of my scrupulous review of the iPod Touch. So without further ado,
Part Three: Calendar and Contacts
Alright, so I guess this is a pretty piss poor review considering they are pretty straightforward Apps. To use: Touch it with your finger, and it opens. Use the iTunes options to sync both your address book and calendar and everybody and everything is on there! Just like every other iPod right? Well yes, but its much cooler, you can change it to List, Day and Month. This is both convenient and reminding me that I need to be more active on iCal. I could have my whole agenda on my Touch! But I don't, so moving on. One thing I don't like, and I believe that wasn't on the iPhone, was the lack of being able to add stuff on this calendar. What if something comes up? I'll have to race back to my MacBook and quickly add and sync! Or, I could write it down and wait till later! But this is the 21st century! So, I guess there really isn't an excuse Apple, come on. Really. Okay what else about iPod Touch iCal? Oh, well it has the right day on it every time I look at it so I guess that's positive (something that is in Mac OS X Leopard).
Now onto Contacts. This is a pretty cool feature for those who have this device, but it would be even better if you had an iPhone, since it works with the actual phone. Now, unlike the calendar App, with Contacts you can add whomever you like. Now, let's hypothetically say I met a cute girl and for some unknown reason I ran out without my phone (Oh the texts I will miss!), probably due to the fact that I failed to charge it. Now, with my iPod Touch I can add her number, name (pray tell I found that out) and email address. Oh, and plus I get the cool question "Oh! Is that an iPhone?!" and since I don't have my phone, I could say yes! In addition, I can also add things about my other friends that are already in here and it will sync back up to my Mac next time I connect, it makes me happy.
What else....Oh on the right side there's a whole alphabet for all of my friends (who are all on iChat by the way, so seamless).
But that's really all there is for now.... I'm finishing this post abruptly out of hunger.
Coming soon: pictures of the initial unboxing and me looking too happy.
Popular demand.....
Ah man, I'm tired and don't feel like doing this....
but I will anyway. Once I actually get into it its not so bad. I don't think I will continue my iPod Review tonight, only because I am tired, but I do have it coming. I've been testing it and all that fun stuff and you'll know soon enough.
I had class today. I hate waking up at 8 in the morning. More than anything. Had a chem lab, and I had to wear goggles to deal with pepsi.... I drink Pepsi all the time (actually Coke, I dislike Pepsi's sweet taste). Then I got done early, went back to bed (this was around 8:40) and then I woke up around 9:30 and took a shower. Umm What Else did I do? Oh I went to Buddhism feeling refreshed from my nice shower and then Precalc....quiz friday, woo. Then I continued along my day by eating a nutritional and rather tastey meal. I met with my friends Stacy and Katrina (as well as Michelle who later joined us at our square table) at the famous McKinley's cafeteria and Campus Center. Now, this was quite the time, due to the fact that they messed up what I asked for. I wanted a simple Spinach Pita wrap with Hummus and provolone (to start with). The lady with rather large glasses asks me if I want it heated.....Now, let's stop and think a second. Hummus? Heated? No. So I politely say no thank you, and before I realize, its halfway through the oven! It tasted the same, but its wrap quality was not as prime as it usually is.
I then proceeded to my room after a satisfying lunch of pretzels and a pita wrap. I played with my iPod as well as NHL 2006 for my Nintendo Gamecube. I won, two games. I'm in like my 5th Dynasty Season. Its sweet.
Anyways, later I didn't do anything too too exciting....actually I probably did but I don't have the energy to type it.
OH! My aunt sent me two Flight of the Conchords shirts from HBO. How nice of her. Thanks Aunt Mary!!
But I'm done for now.
Goodnight guys!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
What did I do today? That's a damn good question
Hello people....or those who read it. The question is, what did I do today? Well I will tell you. Since this blog is indeed about me, so I guess people have a right to know.
I woke up at 11:30, which was great because I got pretty much no sleep last last night. It was pretty darn bad. What else... okay so I wake up, check my new phone (reminder: write about last night), and go take a shower. Now I was supposed to meet someone for lunch, but I was a bit late, even though we didn't eat for a bit anyways.... good thing I brought my Mac. I had pasta....it was pretty good. What else did I do.......
I went to Allegheny's tech support because my iPod Touch wasn't connecting to the wireless network *as I found out the night before. So I go there, and three guys at the desk. Of course, I figured they would be typical tech support who work with windows only. So I ask them why Safari 'ain't working and the one kid with long hair says "because its like this" and he shows me his iPhone! I was going in there demanding answers and I pretty much had to step back because he was having the same problem and they are "working on it." So tell me, what's the point of wireless internet in my pocket if I can't even use it? Way to be crappy Allegheny network. I could rant about that network for a long time. But anyway, I left unsatisfied. So I went up to my buddy's room who was kind enough to make his computer a router so I could use it as an access point for wireless (which I also did last night with my own MacBook).
I'm at the library and I feel as though all these other people are doing so much more work than I am.... I'm blogging and reading my stuff online while everyone has a boatload of papers out. I have a lab tomorrow so I don't need to do anything for chem tonight..... Math I already did.... man I hope I don't ever get that test back, that will be disappointing. Buddhism I never have any homework, and my FS I can do when I'm sitting around doing nothing. I feel as though I cannot blog in my room because I will be too distracted.... blogging is like homework or something. Good way to organize my thoughts I suppose. How boring.... though college is boring.... especially when you can't get on a wireless network with an iPod Touch.

I woke up at 11:30, which was great because I got pretty much no sleep last last night. It was pretty darn bad. What else... okay so I wake up, check my new phone (reminder: write about last night), and go take a shower. Now I was supposed to meet someone for lunch, but I was a bit late, even though we didn't eat for a bit anyways.... good thing I brought my Mac. I had pasta....it was pretty good. What else did I do.......
I went to Allegheny's tech support because my iPod Touch wasn't connecting to the wireless network *as I found out the night before. So I go there, and three guys at the desk. Of course, I figured they would be typical tech support who work with windows only. So I ask them why Safari 'ain't working and the one kid with long hair says "because its like this" and he shows me his iPhone! I was going in there demanding answers and I pretty much had to step back because he was having the same problem and they are "working on it." So tell me, what's the point of wireless internet in my pocket if I can't even use it? Way to be crappy Allegheny network. I could rant about that network for a long time. But anyway, I left unsatisfied. So I went up to my buddy's room who was kind enough to make his computer a router so I could use it as an access point for wireless (which I also did last night with my own MacBook).
I'm at the library and I feel as though all these other people are doing so much more work than I am.... I'm blogging and reading my stuff online while everyone has a boatload of papers out. I have a lab tomorrow so I don't need to do anything for chem tonight..... Math I already did.... man I hope I don't ever get that test back, that will be disappointing. Buddhism I never have any homework, and my FS I can do when I'm sitting around doing nothing. I feel as though I cannot blog in my room because I will be too distracted.... blogging is like homework or something. Good way to organize my thoughts I suppose. How boring.... though college is boring.... especially when you can't get on a wireless network with an iPod Touch.
Oh so I guess now is a time to do a quick review:
Let me get it out, I'll look at each individual part:
Part 1:
Now, I have played with this on an iPhone before, and on the EDGE network its actually not bad (though its no 3G). On WiFi it is pretty decent, a bit slower than my College internet.
Now, I know I am not reviewing the iPhone, but the iPod Touch. Now, I tried the wireless through both my computer and my buddy's. Last night I only tried mine, it sucked, but it worked.... Today I went to Alex's (my friend) and tried it in his room, via his MacBook. It worked great, fast as expected, almost exceeded my initial thoughts! So I left, did the same thing in my dorm room and it was exactly like his. I don't know what was with it last night (maybe a full charge?) but whatever it was, it worked. I played on Safari for about 3-4 hours and I still had 1/3 battery left so I think that is about accurate with macrumors.com.
I also tried Beejive, the AIM client that was made for the iPhone. It worked quite well for me, but if I opened a new page sometimes it would kick me off. Most of the time actually. I chatted and realized that the text correction was on, kind of like an improved T9. I heard there's another from like mundu or something but whatever.
I have yet to use it on my home Wireless Network, though I assume it will work just fine.
Out of Ten: 8.3
Reason: It is very impressive, but could be a lot better, I had to fool around with the wireless connectivity a bit, but it could be because of Allegheny's piss poor network. Also, sometimes I'd have to refresh to get it going, but only when I first got it.
okay onto #2
Part Two:
Keep in mind, its only YouTube, but Apple likes to brag about their relationship with them... or something. I like the icon, now that I am looking at it ha ha. But I tried it only once (I viewed the obligatory "Dog on a skateboard" video), and I had no problems. I love the menus on this thing, its so clean and simple, but looks quite nice. This will be good when I am in a YouTubey mood, but other than that its just a cool perk. I mean I can just as easily access it on Safari....when I'm not on Allegheny's crappy network.
So Overall: 7/10
Its nice, but not anything to write home about....not that it isn't cool of course!
Okay, I'm done for now.... I know only two parts, but I wrote a lot! I'll review the rest later and get an average/overall rating.
Until later (people who actually read this)
touching all over
well I am on my touch right now writing this blog entry. Unfortunately allegheny has a shitty network and cant be compatible yet. I guess they are working on it though. I still have to post pictures though.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Aaaand, I get it today.
Thank God monday is over classwise. The only thing I am really thinking of is getting my iPod now. It seems as if I ramble on about this to pretty much anyone I know. My parents are bringing it (they just love to see me doncha know) aaand I get a free dinner as well, so I really cannot go wrong in this situation.
I got no sleep last night.
I kept looking at my clock and thinking to myself "Well, I have been sleeping since 1" and it would be 2.... So I drank a Dr. Pepper at like 9:30 and I was fine....until now. I'm craaaaaashing now. I just had some greasy chicken tenders and I'm feeling great.... eh sort of haha.
Full review and unboxing photos (maybe, depending on a camera), coming shortly!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A New Touch
Well, I'm sitting here at Allegheny's library.....doing, well "blogging." Another highlight of going to college, which is sitting around with your laptop other places to look busy. You see, I figured out that when I go somewhere else with my MacBook, I feel as though I am actually doing something, rather than sitting in my dorm. Plus its freezing in there from the A/C. Now, don't get me wrong, I love that little Air Conditioning Unit, but it does get on my nerves when the room is at a constant 60 Degrees. So in summary, what did I do today? Almost nothing. I ate a fantastic Pita wrap (with Hummus, how delectable), saw some friends, ate again, went on my MacBook and checked my order status. Order Status on what? Yes, you may ask. I'd actually be happy to tell everyone about it. It is my iPod Touch of course!
As some of you may or may not know, I ordered it a day (precisely at 11:38 AM EST) after Steve Jobs' wonderful keynote. So thanks to MacRumors.com, I've been able to see how others are getting theirs and such on the lovely forums they have. Turns out people have been getting them "Prepared for Shipment" much sooner than me, which infuriated me. Not only that, but in addition, Apple stores and Best Buys got them in a week or so later. This was unfair. The WHOLE POINT of a preorder is to get it before everyone else does.....like Zelda. So I called Apple a few times and they BSed me (which surprised me, but their customer service is lacking), but eventually they upgraded me to Expedited Shipping (Via FEDEX) for free. Thanks Apple! Now where's my iPod Touch!?! Well today I now know it is being shipped to me, starting from Shanghai and now it has just departed from Memphis. So it should arrive in Erie, in 2 days or sooner I hope. I'll post "unboxing photos" or something I think. Oh and for those of you who have no idea what an iPod Touch is, here's a nice picture for you.
And I can't wait to get it (hey there is Ringo's new album).
I'll post more later.
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