Many times I find myself being in the presence of those college students who seem stressed out of their minds and can simply not handle their workload successfully, or with a good amount of sleep. My Professor mentioned in class today if we had any tips on this subject, I had only one, but I thought about it and I thought up a few, so enjoy these Steps, well more like guidelines :).
Step One: Don't overload on classes. Let's face it, everybody is impressed when somebody goes and says they are taking something like 22 credits in a semester. In the college I attend, the average student takes 4 classes, for a total of 16 credits. Sure those kids who take umpteen credits are admired by their peers as well as their parents who will brag about them. In reality, these kids are the ones who stress over classes, drink too much caffeine, and do not get enough sleep.
Solution: Take a less demanding work load, don't worry, you'll finish in 4 years this way. Not to mention still have a life. Also, don't feel as if you must take so many classes to succeed, getting all As in 4 classes is a lot more rewarding than 7 or so Cs.
Step Two: Work hard....but not too hard! Often times I hear kids I know going crazy and stressing to the point where they practically rewrite their chem book! One's brain can only take so much studying, actually that is a fact. I just tried to dig up the research's website, but I know that if you study for over 2 hours without a break, your brain actually shuts out any attempt to learn new material. This goes along with cramming.... It doesn't work, it actually just stresses your brain and makes you learn less!
Solution: During intense study sessions, 15 minute breaks can do wonders. Snacking during this 15 minute period can recharge your brain and make it easier to focus. Think how hard it is to do anything when you are hungry! Also, periodic studying works SO much better than cramming, I have learned that from experience.
Step 3: Don't take a class you know you will not pass. Sometimes we're just not good at things. Its true! As I am writing this I thought of Mathematics. I can do math, but I dislike it and really have to work at it to get it. If you must do it for your intended major, however, and do have to take it, do not try to "get by" without any effort. That does not work. Period.
Solution: Teacher's have Office Hours and practically beg students to come by and chat about homework or class material. It is a tremendous help and can make or break your success in that class.
Step 4: Relax, Zen Style. Okay, maybe not meditate for 3 hours straight or anything (though that would be impressive!). I guess this solution is in the step! After a long day of classes and lots of studying, relax and do something calming. Though watching TV is relaxing, I discourage that since it stimulates your brain with all the plots, flashing images and crazy programs. Instead, listen to calming music, lay in bed with your eyes closed and think, drink tea or my personal favorite, read for pleasure. I recently got into reading and cannot think of a better stress reliever. Finding a good book is not easy, but when you find one, boy is it rewarding. If it isn't the dead of winter I suggest taking a nice walk. If it is a nice calm day and there's that right amount of snow on the ground, then by all means take a walk! It is quite rewarding and relaxing as well.
I guess I only really thought of four, but hey, its good advice if I do say so myself :)
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