Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New post, have to keep the people happy!

Oh man, if you have visited my page within the last ten minutes I already published this as a blank post; my apologies. Anyways, updates from my extremely unexciting life. Ah, I wouldn't say its unexciting, merely as exciting as my life could get without drinking. There's absolutely nothing to do in Meadville; or so that's my excuse. My fellow hallmates are outside my door talking about nothing, though I quite enjoy my hallmates; they are my friends. All is well in Walker Hall first floor :). More on that later.

Anyways! What's new in my life, since....my last post? Oh! Yes yes of course. Well first off I was thinking to myself there, so no, I didn't skip over any important detail. On a totally different note, I could really go for some Rainbow Sherbet, as my throat is still sore (well more scratchy than sore) from my ever insinuating cold. My girlfriend just mentioned to me the ice cream flavor (via IM), called "Vermonty Python." She's informing me of what it is now.... it is, according to my lovely girlfriend, "coffee liqueur ice cream with a chocolate cookie crumb swirl and fudge cows!"

Fudge Cows. That's amazing.

What was I going to post about.....oh yes right, so I've found a new Passion [not of the Christ]. Tea. Yes yes I all realize you know this already and already adds to my "zen" or "pseudo-zen" qualities. And that my website will be coming out soon (though adagio.com has the same idea). I got an adagio starter kit complete with loose tea (4 sampler tins!) as well as an intro book on tea and a tea infuser (which is genius)! So I got this tea and let me say, I am completely satisfied with it, its terrific, no doubt I will need to be purchasing a variety of great flavors soon. I enjoy loose tea because as I told my and my girlfriend's friend Becky (there I mentioned you) " Tea bags are crap because they use the 'fannings' of the tea leaves, which are like the shitty leftover parts of the tea leaf [whereas] loose tea is the actual dried leaf."

So, yeah. Tea is awesome. I highly recommend going to Adagio.com and picking up the starter kit. If you need a 5 dollar off coupon, just ask me, I can send them out with my account there.

Want to know the only thing about Tea that is not so cool? I will tell you.

It makes me have to pee every five minutes.

See, my Flight of the Conchords mug holds .5 liters. A bottle of water also holds .5 liters. You do the math.

3 cups of Tea x .5 liters = Pat pees a lot.

okay, maybe that's not exactly cut and dry math. You get the idea.

So, I'm impressed at the visitors; 644 unique visitors if I am not mistaken, that is pretty darn impressive. Though my counter could be off, it might be daily, but even so its quite an improvement. I'll keep posting if you guys keep visiting (oh and I enjoy comments, keep that in mind).

Well, that's it for this post, keep tuning in (and maybe on Adagio I'll make my own Daily Apple Crisp blend.... you can do that there.)

But, I'm done.


EDIT: Oh, hey guys thanks for voting on the poll, for those of you who did. I'm going to change it now, so be wary!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No, no; you're onto something. There is in fact nothing to do in Meadville. Go have tea w/Mama B.