Hey everyone, I deeply apologize for the lack of updates, but I had a lot to do this weekend now that my MacBook is back in commission. First off I'd like to thank the fine people working on the Ubuntu operating system that enabled me to overcome such a tragedy. The use of Ubuntu Linux was key in order to finish my Midterm paper and I am ever so grateful. I am quite happy to have my new Hard Drive working as it should be and I already sent the old (broken?) one back. There are a few things I'd like to address before getting into the "meat and potatoes" of this posting. First off, a formal apology for the lack of major updates, because, well, I know how you all enjoy reading about my life. I know its interesting and you die when you don't see an update or you do and its the picture of the day (which is a feature I enjoy doing). Now that I am on Spring Break (wooo), I can post more often just for YOU GUYS. haha. Okay, next item on the list: the "layout" of the site/blog. I've gotten some negative feedback on this so called "Zen" layout. Let me be honest. I do not like it either. Therefore, it will be changed. But not now. On Ubuntu it looked different for some reason and better than it does now. It may take a few days for it to be changed as I am working on finishing the new layout designed by yours truly. Yes, I have web design skills haha. It will be simplistic and minimum. Few flashy graphics (oh nooo) and it will be very clean. But I promise it'll be better than the last two that Blogger provided me. Thanks Blogger, but I no longer need you. Yes, I will be leaving blogger as well. For those of you who don't know, Blogger is Google's blogging tool that allows people to make blogs and make it easy. While this is all well and good, I think that making my own will be rewarding and more designed the way I want to do it. I'll be using Allegheny's network for a webserver and hopefully they won't be unreliable. If that's the case I'll have to buy/find some free web space haha. It may take a bit to get the bugs out of the new blog-site, but bear with me, it will be better and such. Also, the Tea website I have been promising will be "opening" soon... yes I know I've been saying this for forever, but I have to do some revamping, as I am quite unhappy with its layout. Wild Ace Linux has been slacking as well; which will be turned into my technology section of my blog. Big things everyone! This is basically me honing my web design skills. I've been trying to design different sites for Daily Apple Crisp, but none I have liked at all. I've finally developed a design I actually liked, though simple it may be, it'll take almost no time to load.
Okay, that's it for my "public service announcement."
As I am sitting here listening to David Bowie, I have pondered about my weekend. Here it is for everyone.
FRIDAY: Aquarium woes and pool with the boys
Okay, so on Friday I was very excited to come home. I was going to see my girlfriend at skating that night. Or so I thought. I ended up packing my aquarium and accessories, as well as what I needed to bring home for a week. I got done just as my dad walked up to my room and helped me with my things down to the car. It was quite a process as it always is, but thankfully I have decided to keep my aquarium home until next year. Its for the best; my fish and coral get stressed from it I am sure (they aren't the only ones!). Anyways, we finished packing the car at like 6:36. Mind you, skating is at 8. It takes me about 45 minutes to get home and setting up my aquarium AGAIN cannot be rushed or anything of the sort. So there was no chance I was going to make skating. Needless to say my girlfriend was not happy and neither was I. But these things happen. When I finally ate and setup my fishy friends, I called my friends and we went to Andy's Pub and played pool and then went to Joe's house and played Eukere. Good times! I left there at about 1:00 AM and stayed up till about 3:00 AM then went to bed.
SATURDAY: Skating and Shady Wii kids.
This was a banner day in the weekend of Pat (and I am sure for my friend Alex as well). Well first off, me and my lovely girl went skating THIS time. It actually worked and we skated at 8, which was lucky because it was the last open skating session! I used to work at the ice rink (which is owned by the Zoo, go figure) and got in for free as well as Laura because she works at the Zoo as well. Right now I am not actually "working" there but am on "College Leave." So I still get in for free. Woohoo! So we skated and skated some more, without cutting any fingers or other ligaments off. I had a soft pretzel. It was really good. Thought you ought to know. So anyways, we finished skating (what else am I supposed to say about skating?) and we went our separate ways. Then the night continued. I called Alex. Prior to this call we discussed in depth about acquiring a Wii for him. He told me earlier he called around and Wal Mart would be getting 11 of them on sale at midnight tonight. So okay. Eleven. I call him, go to his house and we sit around until about 10:45. I drove to Wal Mart (which is like 10 minutes or less away) and we proceed to the electronics, where people were waiting for Wiis. We asked this fellow named Tim about them and he told us we were fifth in line. YEAH! This translates as: WE GOT A FREAKING WII. Well, he did, but I don't care. So we wait an hour. Let me tell you, an hour doing nothing is boring, but an hour sitting on a wal mart floor is even worse. If any of you have been to Wal Mart at midnight or later, you know the kinds of characters that lurk about. Fastforward to checking out, Alex purchased a Wii, an extra Wiimote, and fan favorite Super Mario Galaxy. We continue to checkout (the checkout guy was real cool) and as soon as we left, so did a group of younger teenage kids. Now, it seemed suspicious to us, so Alex says "hold on, let me put this down a sec" and the kids left the store. We don't really think they were going to mug us and take our newly owned Wii, but you can never be too careful. We rushed to the Toyota Matrix and sped to his house to play the NINTENDO WII. The unboxing was almost as fun as Wii Sports was. I left at 2:00 and fell asleep at my house.
Sunday: I'm getting sick of summing my days up here, so this will be short.
On Sunday I woke up, ate, went to Palm Sunday Mass at 6:00, finished at 7:00. Ate, went to girlfriend's and played NES (Super Mario 3) and watched Mean Girls. I actually liked it. The end.
Haha hope you all have a good Monday!
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1 comment:
Pat, these lengthy blogs are hurting my productivity at work. We share somewhat similar interests. I wish to redesign my blog, with my own design like you, but I don't really have any intentions to leave Blogger.
I think you're making a solid decision keeping your aquarium at home.
Please tell me what Eukere is. If it's an inside joke, cool, but if is actually something, let me know. A Google search didn't do much for me.
Glad you didn't cut any appendages off. Malkin just about had a Zednik-like event this weekend.
You are not going to like this, but my opinion of the Wii is that it's way overrated.
I hope when you move your blog I can still make ridiculously long and unnecessary comments like this one.
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