Hey everybody! If you're visiting from The Weekly Tech or are just an old fan waiting for my blog to make its phoenix-like return out of the ashes, then you are in luck! There is one catch however... I want to update a little each day instead of big paragraphs about my exciting life. I think it'll make everyone stay in tune with the site more often than not, bringing in some nice traffic. Now I'm not sure why you all enjoy my life so much but I'll tell you what's going on haha.
Starting with.... today.
Today is a special day, not for me, but for my girlfriend. Why? Because she got this:

A BlackBerry Storm.
Needless to say she is quite excited about it and I can't say I blame her. Sure sure I could go on and on about the advantages and disadvantages of the Storm and of course, the iPhone. Storm has copy/paste, MMS etc, but lacks the perks that the Apple iPhone has and blah blah blah. I haven't seen the Storm in person yet (haven't met the chap) but it sure looks nice. Beats the hell out of my SGH-A737 that's for sure haha. I wish my phone had a remotely interesting name.... oh well, sounds more like an oilrig ship than a phone. I'll live.
What else happened in my exciting life today? Well I woke up this morning, felt like I didn't get enough sleep, what a typical Monday, right? Showered, ate breakfast and then quickly headed to class - Computer Science. I have a test in there on Wednesday and I actually think I'll do quite well on it...you can quote me I suppose. I filled out RSEs while I was there... I believe it stands for Real Student Evaluations? I don't think its Real now that I think about it haha, but whatever. I filled those out (which suck, they're so boring) in each class today.
In Problems of the Self (East/West) I also wrote RSEs, nothing like staying in the lines of those little circles. My teacher was 15 min late. After the secretary collected the completed forms. She was very anal-retentive about getting her pencils back, claiming if she didn't that she would "have to pay for them." Yeah, okay.
I ate lunch (a meager piece of pizza, ugh) and checked my snailmail (nothing!) , then proceeded to my room where I got ready for my next class. Physics.
We got a TAKEHOME TEST. Cool. Except its still really hard? Imagine that, a takehome test in college that is difficult, wow.
Calculus. 10/12 on a quiz.
Moving right along.
Pretty boring night, I got a lot done on my Physics takehome exam and then decided to study for Computer Science. Did I mention I have a final project in there that's extremely difficult? No? Oh well, I did now.
I worked on homework till around nine and then I watched Seinfeld. Surfed the Web for awhile and now I'm here, wow what a boring day.
And yet, everyone enjoys reading about it.
What else happened in my exciting life today? Well I woke up this morning, felt like I didn't get enough sleep, what a typical Monday, right? Showered, ate breakfast and then quickly headed to class - Computer Science. I have a test in there on Wednesday and I actually think I'll do quite well on it...you can quote me I suppose. I filled out RSEs while I was there... I believe it stands for Real Student Evaluations? I don't think its Real now that I think about it haha, but whatever. I filled those out (which suck, they're so boring) in each class today.
In Problems of the Self (East/West) I also wrote RSEs, nothing like staying in the lines of those little circles. My teacher was 15 min late. After the secretary collected the completed forms. She was very anal-retentive about getting her pencils back, claiming if she didn't that she would "have to pay for them." Yeah, okay.
I ate lunch (a meager piece of pizza, ugh) and checked my snailmail (nothing!) , then proceeded to my room where I got ready for my next class. Physics.
We got a TAKEHOME TEST. Cool. Except its still really hard? Imagine that, a takehome test in college that is difficult, wow.
Calculus. 10/12 on a quiz.
Moving right along.
Pretty boring night, I got a lot done on my Physics takehome exam and then decided to study for Computer Science. Did I mention I have a final project in there that's extremely difficult? No? Oh well, I did now.
I worked on homework till around nine and then I watched Seinfeld. Surfed the Web for awhile and now I'm here, wow what a boring day.
And yet, everyone enjoys reading about it.
1 comment:
theweeklytech.com = FAIL
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