Sunday, February 10, 2008

So its 1 degree out.

How cold is one degree?  Well obviously that sounds like a silly question, but you know how cold it is?  DAMN COLD.  I mean, with the crazy wind chill, it feels like I am in Antarctica with the Penguins.  Though there were no Penguins and I wish I could have huddled together with them.

So the roads are bad and I am going to the Gheny tomorrow.  Waking up at 9:00.  Oh, I guess it could be worse.  I'm sitting here with my brother and he wants me to see "The Graduate."  I am making a pizza in the oven, a small one, the company being "The Red Baron."  I never knew a pilot could make such a good pizza in my own oven!  Simply amazing.  


Pfeif said...

haha that made me laugh

Michelle Pastor said...

Red Baron pizza is simply delicious. What I don't understand is why that Red Baron looks less like the actual Red Baron and more like Tom Selleck.

Unknown said...

I don't think they sell Red Baron here. I'm stuck with Totino's.